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Mahindra's Weird electric Products in India

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Mahindra Electric is a well-known vehicle manufacturing company of India, which manufactures bikes, tractor, Trucks, Pickup's cars and rickshaws.

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In which many are successful and many fails but now Mahindra also making electric vehicles. So in this post we will see different products of Mahindra in different-different categories.

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1. Mahindra Treo Zor Price : ₹3.12 - ₹3.48 lakh Lakh

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2. Mahindra Treo  Price : ₹2.88 - ₹2.98 lakh

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3. Mahindra eAlfa Mini Price : ₹1.45 lakh

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4. Mahindra eSupro Price : 8.75 Lakh 

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5. Mahindra eVerito Price : 8.75 Lakh 

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mahindra's new upcoming electric cars